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Woman in polka dots smiling with her arms over her head.Woman in polka dots smiling with her arms over her head.

5 Power Poses to Exude Confidence

By: BeSeen Team

Date: February 16, 2024

How do you prepare for an important event, like a job interview or client pitch? Harvard Business School social psychologist Amy Cuddy suggests incorporating power poses into your routine.

Power posing uses body language to signal confidence, control, and achievement. It’s an effective technique influential figures like Oprah Winfrey and Barack Obama have employed during public appearances to project authority. Bring out the leader in you with these five power poses that can help you exude inner strength by merely standing tall.

Types of Power Poses 

You can’t understand the effect of a powerful stance on your confidence until you give it a try. Here are some poses to explore to get you feeling like you’re on top of the world. Make sure to match your choice with your personality for maximum impact.  

1. The superhero pose

Woman in black athletic attire smiling with her hands on her waist.
Let your confidence save the day! Pose like Wonder Woman to conquer your nerves.

Sometimes referred to as the “Wonder Woman,” the superhero stance is one of the most reliable and recognisable power poses to exude confidence. The next time your boss asks for a status report on an urgent project, stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips. Then, like a superhero ready to save the day, tell your superior you’ve got it all under control. Pro tip: lift your chin and close your fists for a more powerful aura.

2. The victory pose 

Woman happily stretching her arms over her head outdoors.
When practising positive visualisation, try the victory power pose.

Recall the last time you won a competition for which you’ve been training or the feeling of landing your dream job. You’ve probably struck this next power pose at some point to express the exhilaration from coming out victorious.

Form a victory stance to signal you’re ready to conquer challenges, come what may. To do this pose, raise your arms in a V shape above your head. Maintain straight elbows, keep your palms open, and look up to complete the look. Don’t force yourself to break out in V formation during a client presentation. You can try this power stance in private or first thing in the morning to help visualise success for the rest of your day.

3. The Obama pose

Woman happily resting her head on her hands with her feet on her desk.
Next time you feel anxiety creeping in during a long and tiring briefing, take a breath and let your power pose hit reset.

In an interview with The Guardian, neuro-linguistic programming trainer John McLachlan emphasised the importance of a calm and collected demeanour when speaking publicly. “People don’t realise that when they’re tense, the tone of their voice changes as the body seizes up and makes it hard to speak. So, try to breathe deeply to rid your body of that tension,” he advises.

Former POTUS Barack Obama was known for his controlled movements and relaxed attitude. To emulate a stately pose, do “the Obama.” In the confines of your office, put your feet on your desk and lean back with your hands behind your head. The next time your Teams meeting is making you anxious, do “the Obama” to emit a calm head-of-state vibe.

4. The Loomer pose

Woman happily resting her hands on a desk.
To execute the loomer pose, rest your hands on a table and slightly lean forward to signal you mean business.

Cuddy named “the Loomer” pose after the late US President Lyndon B. Johnson. Standing six feet and four inches, LBJ used his stature to intimidate and influence those around him. Executing power poses that make you appear like you’re looming over your hypothetical constituents will evoke a feeling of power and ownership. So, when wrapping up your presentation, support yourself on a table or other surface and slightly lean forward to give your client a nudge to seal the deal.

5. The subtle smile 

Combine one or all of the above poses with a subtle but striking facial form. A captivating smile can disarm the defences of a line manager or professor who won’t budge. With a flash of your A+ grin and a plea for extra credit, your smile might be why they’ll change their minds (or your final grade).

Learn to adjust your body language to exude confidence every day. Pull your shoulders back and keep your chin up. Turn an insecure frown upside down with a radiant smile. If you think you need a makeover, ask your dentist about ClearCorrect dental aligners. They’re completely removable, giving you the power to clean your teeth and eat what you want like a boss.

When to Use Power Poses 

You can strike power poses in almost any area – in school, the workplace, or at a public speaking event. Think about an engagement that gives you anxiety or distress to help you decide when to pose confidently, such as: 

  • Important presentations
  • Public speaking
  • Job interviews
  • Auditions
  • Negotiations
  • Networking or social events

Benefits of Power Poses 

Some people can walk into a room with a presence so strong the world seems to stop. Power poses can help you achieve the same, allowing you to command attention and stay centred during stressful situations. 

Here are other benefits of power posing:  

  • Regulated hormones: Studies conducted by Cuddy and her team revealed that power posing can increase testosterone and reduce cortisol levels, resulting in increased feelings of assertiveness and capability.
  • Improved confidence: By assuming a confident pose, you feel more confident by simply acting confident. In Cuddy’s words, “Fake it until you become it.”
  • Higher chances of success: Negative emotions like anger, fear, and anxiety can affect your ability to perform. When you believe in yourself and channel your confidence and strength, there’s no telling what you can achieve.

Power poses can go beyond making you feel confident. When you’re sure of yourself, you’re better able to deliver excellence in what you do. So, get up (or stay seated), pull your shoulders back, take a deep breath, and visualise the horizon of your success.



Carney, D. R., Cuddy, A. J. C., & Yap, A. J. (2010). Power posing. Psychological Science, 21(10), 1363–1368.

Cuddy, A. (n.d.). Your body language may shape who you are [Video]. TED Talks.

May, K. T. (n.d.). Some examples of how power posing can actually boost your confidence. TED Blog.

Reporter, G. S. (2015, August 11). What does your body language say about you? The Guardian. 

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