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Side view of woman looking into a mirror with lightbulbs.Side view of woman looking into a mirror with lightbulbs.

6 A-Listers Who Struggled With Low Self-Esteem

By: BeSeen Team

Date: December 29, 2023

It’s hard to imagine that A-list celebrities like Lady Gaga and Mariah Carey struggled with low self-esteem. But, even the biggest names in the entertainment industry have asked themselves, “Can I get the job done?” and “Do I belong here?” Fortunately, many celebs have shared their experiences overcoming poor self-image, showing others how to navigate their struggles.

Celebrities Who Struggled With Low Self-Esteem 

In past interviews, Lady Gaga and Mariah confirmed they had to work hard to achieve the self-assurance that performing in front of thousands demands. They had to recognise their worth and show themselves kindness. Read more about how Gaga, Mariah, and four other artists gained healthy self-esteem – the belief and confidence in their ability and value. 

1. Lady Gaga 

Black and white photo of Lady Gaga.
Lady Gaga relies on the power of makeup to make her feel good inside and out.

Underneath her superstar persona, Lady Gaga has shared that low self-esteem made her feel vulnerable. “I never felt beautiful, and I still have days that I don’t feel beautiful,” the singer told Allure magazine in an interview.

Lady Gaga says getting bullied when she was young caused many insecurities. But swiping on lipstick has become one of those things that helped her overcome self-doubt. “I put makeup on, and before I know it, I feel this superhero within. It gives me those wings to fly.” 

2. Mariah Carey 

Mariah Carey holding a microphone and smiling.
Music helped Mariah radiate confidence and belonging.

Singer-songwriter Mariah Carey has more than earned her iconic status. Yet she told the entertainment news website, Page Six, “I just feel like I am a regular human being and I deserve the same respect as anybody else. I have always had low self-esteem, and people do not recognise that.”

Mariah says music helped her see her value and discover her place in the world. “Growing up different, being biracial, having the whole thing where I did not know if I fit in. That is why music became such a big part of my life because it helped me overcome those issues,” the song artist shared.

3. Jennifer Lopez 

Jennifer Lopez in green performing for a large crowd.
Jennifer Lopez admits her self-worth took a hit when she achieved global fame.

For Jennifer Lopez, another pop culture queen, low self-esteem came into her life at the height of her fame. During an interview with the Today show, she described how she navigated the challenges to her confidence in being in the public eye. 

“It was so funny because when you first come on the scene, you feel so indestructible. You’re like, ‘Oh I can do this, I can’t wait to see what everybody sees what I can do!’ And then you become a big enough star where they start trying to tear you down a bit. You become a target, and you start being really harsh and judgmental on yourself. It can be, you know, damaging,” Jennifer shared.

4. Nicole Scherzinger  

Nicole Scherzinger and other backup performers on stage.
Nicole Scherzinger’s self-esteem got a boost after sharing her battle with bulimia.

Like Mariah’s experience, Pussycat Dollslead singer Nicole Scherzinger struggled to fit in. But it was her battle with bulimia, an eating disorder characterised by bingeing and purging, which made her feel a lack of belongingness.

Nicole initially regretted making her pain known publicly. An article from The Independent quoted her as saying, “I felt humiliated; I didn’t want it to be screened. I didn’t want the world to see that side of me.” However, she was glad her story came out. “The impact I’ve had on other sufferers is just so amazing. That I am now in a position to give strength and support to others, it’s awesome.”

5. Emma Roberts 

A smiling Emma Roberts in pink.
Emma Roberts tries to avoid letting other people’s opinions affect her well-being.

The nature of their jobs often makes celebrities more self-conscious about their physical appearance. For instance, actress Emma Roberts was self-conscious about her height. She shared with Shape magazine, “I used to have a complex about being short. Now I love that I’m 5’ 2”. I’m strong, and that feels really good to me.”

Emma believes being authentic is critical to tapping into the inherent confidence that everyone possesses during childhood. The Scream Queens actress told the magazine, “[As we get older], we lose touch with ourselves and let other people’s opinions and thoughts get louder than our own. It’s important to stay true to ourselves and find that confidence we had as kids.” 

6. Demi Lovato 

Demi Lovato in a sparkling cardigan performing on stage.
Demi Lovato cares for her mental health with jiu jitsu and positive self-talk.

Demi Lovato’s songs about self-acceptance took on significant meaning after the public learned she had bipolar disorder. For the former Disney star, however, she felt relief upon learning the diagnosis. 

“I had spent so many years struggling, and I didn’t know why I was a certain way in dealing with depression at such extreme lows, when I seemingly had the world in front of me just ripe with opportunities,” Demi divulged to People magazine.

To manage the highs and lows of her self-esteem, Demi shares an unconventional tip. “I talk positively to myself in the mirror. As awkward and uncomfortable as it can be, it can be really self-assuring. I also talk to people around me. But getting in the gym makes me feel the best I possibly can, so I make sure I get that in,” Demi said.

Symptoms of Self-Esteem Problems 

Young woman checks herself on the mirror as she tries on a dress.
Treat yourself with kindness, understanding and forgiveness, especially when you make mistakes or face challenges.

It’s easy to feel confident when things are going smoothly. However, challenges inevitably arise; when they do, you start doubting your abilities like these celebrities. Recognising when you become overly self-critical is the first step in managing low self-esteem. Here are a few signs that may indicate a lack of faith in yourself:  

  • Focusing on negative traits and disregarding achievements
  • Having trouble accepting compliments
  • Expressing needs with difficulty
  • Feeling guilty about rest or fun
  • Pleasing people excessively
  • Shunning challenges or goal setting due to intense fear of failure

How to Overcome Low Self-Esteem Issues 

It is natural to feel inadequate at times, but the key is not to let it hold you back. Instead, take charge of your life with these tips. 

  • Live in the moment. Focus on what you can do now, not on your past mistakes or future worries.
  • Be aware of your emotions. Recognise how you react to your doubts and criticisms. Challenge negative beliefs with positive and rational ones.
  • Use hopeful statements. Be encouraging to yourself. Praise your efforts and achievements, no matter how small.
  • Turn off social media notifications for specific hours. A study from the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology revealed online feedback from social media sites can affect self-esteem greatly. Taking a break from your mobile phone can help if you need to feel better about yourself. 
  • Seek support. Surround yourself with people who respect and support you.
  • Show kindness to yourself, especially when you feel guilty about spending for your needs. Wear the cute top even when it’s not a special occasion. Book that dental appointment forClearCorrectdental aligners to help overcome self-esteem problems related to your smile.

As these Hollywood celebrities show, no amount of fame or wealth can shield you from questioning your worth. So, it’s essential to identify the root cause of your low self-esteem and combat negative opinions that affect your happiness and health. Seek support from loved ones or a qualified professional. And remember, your journey towards self-improvement can inspire and empower others.



Bailly, J., & Jackson, D. (2019, September 12). Lady Gaga and the Power of Makeup | Cover Story October 2019. Allure.

Burrow, A. L., & Rainone, N. (2017). How many likes did I get?: Purpose moderates links between positive social media feedback and self-esteem. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 69, 232–236.

Duerden, N. (2013, March 10). What’s new Pussycat? Nicole Sherzinger on being a global pop star and conquering an eating disorder | The Independent. The Independent.

Drysdale, J. (2017, November 9). Entertainment tonight. Entertainment Tonight.

Jennifer Lopez: “Ican be an awesome mom and a sexy woman.” (2014, November 4). TODAY.com.

Jones, T. (2017, August 22). Mariah Carey: “I have always had low self-esteem.” Page Six.

Nelson, J. (2017, May 10). Demi Lovato Reflects on Her Years-Long Journey to Body Positivity: ‘I Never Thought I’d Be in Such a Great Place’ Peoplemag.

Stern, A., & Speakman, K. (2023, May 12). Demi Lovato Was ‘Relieved’ to Be Diagnosed as Bipolar to Treat Her ‘Extreme Lows’ from Depression. Peoplemag. https://people.com/health/demi-lovato-relieved-to-be-diagnosed-bipolar/ 

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