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A woman meditating on the floor.A woman meditating on the floor.

15 Self-Care Ideas to Boost Mental and Physical Well-Being

By: BeSeen Team

Date: June 7, 2023

Do you have trouble keeping yourself healthy and confident? If so, you may want to revisit how you do self-care – that is to say, the steps you take to improve your overall health and well-being. Contrary to popular belief, the most transformative self-care ideas aren’t bubble baths, spa days, and sleeping in on Sundays. 

Those practices can be satisfying and give you temporary comfort and happiness. But committing to habits and actions that lead to an even greater sense of wellness is also important. 

Some ideas for self-care – like speaking your mind, setting boundaries, or sitting with your feelings – can boost your confidence and general well-being in not-so-obvious ways. Learn about them here.

Types of self-care

Firstly, what is self-care? Life in Mind: A guide to self-care, developed for the Australian Department of Health’s Everymind program, identifies self-care as “activities that support and enhance our physical, emotional, social and mental health, and overall wellbeing. It is an ongoing commitment to look after ourselves through helpful practices and actions that protect us during periods of stress.”

You may want to get to know the different types of self-care that you can commit to. You can focus on one before moving to the next. Or, you can target a couple of them right away after assessing your needs and situation.

  • Emotional self-care
  • Mental self-care
  • Physical self-care
  • Social self-care
  • Spiritual self-care
  • Practical self-care
  • Financial self-care

15 Confidence-boosting self-care ideas

A woman in running shoes taking a walk in the forest.
Self-care package ideas don’t have to be limited to bubble baths and spa parties. It can involve quiet time in nature, exercise, and reflection.

Go beyond the usual ideas for self-care and work on yourself from within. 

1. Be consistent with positive rituals. 

A daily routine with pockets of positivity can help you take care of yourself. It gives you something to look forward to and motivates you to show up for yourself, even when you’re in a slump. Pick an easy habit that makes you feel good and do it regularly. You can journal, engage in gentle movement, or go for leisurely walks – if it sparks joy, lean into it!

2. Make time for meditation. 

Mindful meditation helps ground you in the present. Many practitioners use it to manage negative emotions and self-talk. It also encourages you to be kind to yourself, recognise your humanity, and let go of whatever’s weighing you down. With enough practice, bringing that self-possession wherever you go becomes second nature.

3. Limit social media usage. 

Social media is a wondrous invention that lets you connect with others and see the world. However, too much of it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, especially when all you see is everyone else’s best days. If endless (mindless!) scrolling has you constantly comparing yourself to those you follow, it might be time for a social media detox.

4. Express your feelings.

Woman in chequered shirt sitting on a sofa while writing in a red journal or diary.
Write your feelings in a journal to practise self-expression. (Credit: Pixabay)

Struggling to share your thoughts and feelings can be one side effect of having low self-esteem. But as terrifying as it is, it’s necessary to try. It’s the first step to conquering the fear of expressing yourself. Start small by pouring your heart out into a journal or through art. When you get more comfortable, try booking a session with a therapist to untangle your thoughts. Eventually, you’ll feel more secure in sharing what’s on your mind with others as well as your therapist or journal.

5. Set boundaries. 

When you express and enforce boundaries, it signals to others that you’re not a pushover. You make it clear that you expect consideration and respect. So, think about what lines you want to set and practise being firm with them. For example, if you don’t like it when your friends drop in without calling first, let them know. You don’t have to grin and bear it! 

6. Invest in yourself. 

Confidence should come from within, but you can’t disregard the impact of aesthetic changes on self-esteem. It could be as simple as putting makeup on when you feel drab or getting a haircut to refresh your look. Some adjustments require more time and money to pursue, but investing in yourself may be worth it for the long-term confidence boost it can give.

Do you struggle to show off your teeth with unabashed confidence? One self-care package idea could be a smile makeover. Consider investing in ClearCorrect to improve crookedness. This invisible aligner is a discreet, comfortable, and effective treatment for misalignment, thanks to its tri-layer ClearQuartz material. It works by gently moving teeth to their ideal position; over time, it helps you develop a uniquely confident smile that suits you better. 

You can take the online smile assessment to find out if you’d be a good candidate for ClearCorrect.

7. Prioritise rest. 

A woman getting out of bed and stretching her arms up.
Sleep deprivation can amplify negative emotions, which leads to lower self-esteem.

A study published by The National Library of Medicine reveals that individuals who get enough sleep score higher on optimism and self-esteem. Excessive deprivation can make you feel irritable, sad, and frustrated, which impacts your overall well-being and sense of self. So, whenever you feel run-down and like nothing’s going your way, take that as your cue to get some precious slumber.

8. Celebrate wins. 

People with low self-esteem and confidence tend to think of themselves in a negative light. They belittle their accomplishments, doubt their capabilities, and judge themselves too harshly for every mistake. If you find yourself caught in a cycle like this, it helps to pause and acknowledge your wins, no matter how small. Yes, everything counts! 

Did your boss give you kudos at work? Accept it graciously and be proud of yourself! Did you complete a daunting task at home (such as folding laundry, deep cleaning the sofa)? Bask in the sense of accomplishment – you did what you needed to do, even if it wasn’t so fun. These little moments of celebration will help you view yourself more positively.

9. Work “me time” into your daily schedule.

Failing to put in time and energy into recharging your batteries and resetting your stress levels can have negative consequences. After all, to take care of others, you first need to see to your own well-being. So, adding some self-care to your schedule is important, especially if you struggle with achieving a work-life balance. You can allot at least 30 to 60 minutes daily for “me time” and use it for meditation, general quiet time, or other health-boosting habits that can benefit you in the long term. 

10. Plan self-care time with friends, family, or your partner.

Your ideas for self-care don’t have to mean going solo. The things you do to take care of your mind, body, and spirit may actually work better if you do them with mates or your partner. For example, having a yoga buddy makes you more likely to stick with the habit. Are you planning a spa date or a shopping trip to update your wardrobe? Exploring self-care ideas with friends may boost your confidence and social life in one go.

11. Seek professional help.

A professional psychologist taking notes during a talk therapy session.
A mental health professional can help you identify areas to focus on for better confidence and well-being.

Are you working through mental health issues and could benefit from professional advice? Or maybe you just want coaching to get your life aligned. You could even just be interested in doing regular mental health check-ins. Professional help can ease your journey to a more confident and healthy you

Rather than leaving you to self-diagnose and decide on your own what to do about any issues, a certified mental health professional or life coach can help you create a self-care plan that works for your personality, needs, and lifestyle. Australian government-supported portals for finding mental health programs and professionals include MentalHealthOnline.org.au and Western Australia’s Think Mental Health

You might also want to check out these other options based on your region:

12. Do things that bring you joy.

When was the last time you did something for the sheer joy of it? After some self-reflection, you might find that even your free time is often spent on things you have to do rather than what’s simply fun. 

If you’re looking for self-care gift ideas, give yourself the adventure of trying something new and memorable, like travel, outdoor activities, or meals out. A 2020 study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found experiential purchases boost happiness more than material purchases like clothing, jewellery, and gadgets. 

The joy you get from this doesn’t just stem from experiencing the activities themselves – it also comes from anticipating and remembering them. So some self-care ideas can include journalling or scrapbooking those adventures.

13. Get moving.

Exercise does more for you than boost your physical health – it also has wide-ranging benefits for mental health. 

According to Healthdirect Australia, regular exercise can help manage stress, enhance memory, improve sleep, and reduce symptoms of and help with recovery from various mental health conditions. Physical activity also helps distract you from negative thought patterns and causes your brain to release mood-boosting chemicals like endorphins and serotonin.

Not a fan of gyms? No worries. Some physical self-care ideas include going on a bush walk, jogging, bike riding, swimming, and other outdoor activities. Around the house, you can do gardening, chores, and cooking to get yourself in the habit of moving.

14. Take care of yourself even when no one is looking.

Good personal hygiene and grooming does more than keep you clean and germ-free. And it’s not just about looking healthy and put-together for other people. You need to look and feel good for yourself as well.

Taking the time for a personal hygiene routine can be an indicator of your mental health while neglecting it can be a sign of depression or other mental health conditions. A 2022 study of people living with depression in Australia found that declining personal hygiene and grooming standards correlated with declining mental wellness. Having difficulties with these aspects of daily life also made recovery difficult, especially in the areas of mood, self-worth and self-esteem, motivation, and engagement socially, professionally, and in terms of treatment.

So invest time and effort in making yourself look and feel great, even if you don’t have to leave the house or see anyone on a given day.

15. Maintain good dental health.

Redheaded woman looking in mirror while brushing teeth with an electric toothbrush.
Taking good care of your teeth gives you a more confident smile.

Your dental hygiene can affect your mental well-being. According to the Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association, oral health has a significant impact on your self-perception. A confident, healthy smile can be the key to leaving positive first impressions in social and professional situations and boosting self-confidence. Meanwhile, dental problems cause turnoffs like bad breath, increase feelings of self-consciousness or embarrassment, cause discomfort and anxiety, and negatively affect your well-being.  

Take care of your teeth by regularly and properly brushing and flossing. For cleaning and early detection of any issues, it’s a good idea to visit your dentist according to their recommended schedule, usually twice a year. 

If crookedness or a misaligned bite are issues for you, consult your dental health practitioner about the best teeth aligners for your needs. These can include discreet and removable options like ClearCorrect invisible aligners

Have a go at these self-care ideas to see how they improve your self-perception. You don’t have to do them all at once – start with whatever’s easiest for you and go from there. You’ve probably already done some of these and just need to know about the best practices and tips. 

Remember, there’s no such thing as perfect self-care. Just keep working on yourself. The boost to your confidence and general well-being will follow.



Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association. (2023, April 06). How oral problems affect your self-esteem. anzmh.asn.au

Everymind (Australian Government – Department of Health). (2023). Life in Mind: A guide to self-care. lifeinmind.org.au.

Healthdirect Australia. (n.d.). Exercise and mental health. Healthdirect.gov.au 

NHS. (n.d.). Raising low self-esteem. nhs.uk.

Lemola, S., Räikkönen, K., Gomez, V., & Allemand, M. (2013). Optimism and Self-Esteem Are Related to Sleep. Results from a Large Community-Based Sample. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20(4), 567–571.

Kumar, A., Killingsworth, M.A., & Gilovich, T. (2020 May). Spending on doing promotes more moment-to-moment happiness than spending on having. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 88 (2020), art. 103971.

Stewart, V., Judd, C., & Wheeler, A.J. (2022 July). Practitioners’ experiences of deteriorating personal hygiene standards in people living with depression in Australia: A qualitative study. Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(4):1589-1598. doi: 10.1111/hsc.13491. 

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