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Middle-aged Asian woman in white smiling outdoors.Middle-aged Asian woman in white smiling outdoors.

How to Look Younger With Minimal Effort

By: BeSeen Team

Date: November 24, 2023

Do you worry about ageing? While you can’t stop the hands of time, you can learn how to look younger by developing easy, transformative habits. Read on for practical ways to overcome the occasional dread and feel more like your younger self.

1. Drink Plenty of Water 

Woman with shoulder-length hair drinking water from a bottle.
Keep a bottle of water with you to remind you to load up on your H2O.

Surely you’re aware that keeping hydrated is crucial to maintaining your overall health. But did you also know that loading up on H2O can do wonders for your looks? In fact, a Skin Research and Technology study observed an increase in skin hydration after a group of dehydrated individuals upped their water consumption.

To make sure you get your daily intake, carry a lightweight water bottle wherever you go. And don’t wait until you’re parched to take a sip. Not sure how to look younger? Don’t think, just drink.

2. Watch What You Eat 

It’s time to say goodbye to that bag of crisps. You might also want to skip ordering extra bacon and cheese for your burger. Instead, go for more greens! Including various fruits and leafy vegetables in your diet can transform your body into an age-defying powerhouse. The antioxidants from your salad can help enhance your skin’s radiance and flush out wrinkle-causing toxins. 

While you’re at it, you might want to cut back on sugar, too. A huge slice of decadent chocolate cake and a tall glass of salted caramel milkshake are no-nos!

3. Care for Your Hair 

Asian woman with short hair folding her arms and smiling at a café.
Short, playful hairstyles in warm tones will give you a softer, more youthful look.

When it comes to appearances, your hair can be a game changer. So, opt for short, soft, playful cuts over voluminous ones. Work with your stylist to find a warm tone that suits your skin type. You can also experiment with bangs and channel your inner Zooey Deschanel! No time to visit the salon? A simple ponytail can help freshen your look. And no matter the style you choose, remember to give your hair the care it deserves to achieve that youthful glow.

4. Moisturise Mercilessly 

Besides your tresses, show your skin some love, too. The American Academy of Dermatology emphasised how moisturising regularly can give you a radiant complexion. Pro tip: whether you’re applying a moisturiser with SPF or a night cream, always start with a clean face for optimal results.

You don’t need to break the bank to build an effective anti-ageing skincare routine. Be proactive and choose products with active ingredients to hydrate your skin and increase elasticity. For example, hyaluronic acid can draw moisture into your skin and absorb 1,000 times its weight in water. Meanwhile, retinol and alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) are terrific at rejuvenating the skin and eliminating fine lines and wrinkles. It’s plain and simple: healthy skin is youthful skin.

5. Apply Blush to High Points of the Face 

Celebrities like J.Lo, who don’t seem to age, might push you to ponder: how can I make my face look younger? Next time you apply makeup, follow this golden rule: less is more. When putting on foundation or blush, be careful not to slather too much. Skip the contour and position your blush brush slightly higher to give your cheeks a more youthful glow.

6. Lighten Your Liner 

How much do you love your black eyeliner? Sure, this wee wand can magically transform any pair of eyes from sullen to sultry. And, yes, deep black shades are terrific for achieving a smoky eye effect. But if you’re aiming for a cleaner, fresher look, consider warmer tones like brown or grey as alternatives.

7. Get Moving 

Asian woman with short hair wearing a light blue jacket and workout pants running at a city park.
Get up and at it! Even just a few minutes of physical activity can make you look and feel great.

An International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity study highlighted the effects of exercise on healthy ageing. The good news: physical activities can do wonders for your immunity and prevent your muscles and bones from the wear and tear that comes with age. Want to get moving but don’t know where to start? Make a low-commitment fitness plan that involves at least 30 minutes of movement. This could be anything from household chores to a brisk walk in the park.

8. Go Easy on the Booze 

So, you want to know how to look younger, fine, and dandy? Do your skin some favour by ditching the shandy. Research from the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology identified a clear link between tobacco and alcohol and skin ageing and facial wrinkles. Going overboard on alcohol will only have you waking up looking dull and sallow!

9. Reconsider Your Facial Expressions 

If you want to appear more youthful, then break free from that RBF. Smiling more will do wonders for your look! Turn that haggard frown upside down and project an image that suggests you’re not too old to enjoy a Saturday night.

Additionally, maintain good posture to give off a vibe of strength and vitality. As people age, there’s a tendency to slouch, which takes a toll on your back and makes you appear weaker. So, stand tall and beam your youthful energy.

10. Take Care of Your Oral Health 

Now that you’re on board with the idea of smiling more, don’t forget to maintain excellent oral hygiene. Brush and floss regularly and schedule visits to your dentist at least twice a year. Also, inquire about aligner therapy to straighten crooked teeth, which can dull your shine. Consider getting ClearCorrect aligners that move teeth into their proper positions discreetly and comfortably.   

Still wondering how to look younger? Remember: the fountain of youth is closer than you think. Making minor tweaks to your lifestyle can go a long way. So, eat right, sleep plenty, and keep stress at bay. Most of all, don’t neglect your health. Smile more!



Akdeniz, M., Tomova‐Simitchieva, T., Dobos, G., Blume-Peytavi, U., & Kottner, J. (2018). Does dietary fluid intake affect skin hydration in healthy humans? A systematic literature review. Skin Research and Technology, 24(3), 459–465.

Benson, D. (2022, January 25). Thirsty? You’re already dehydrated. Baylor College of Medicine.

D. B., Prince, M., & Prina, M. (2020). The impact of physical activity on healthy ageing trajectories: evidence from eight cohort studies. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17(1)

Goodman, G. D. (2019, August 1). Impact of smoking and alcohol use on facial aging in women: results of a large multinational, multiracial, cross-sectional survey. PubMed Central (PMC)

Moreno-Agostino, D., Daskalopoulou, C., Wu, Y., Koukounari, A., Haro, J. M., Tyrovolas, S., Panagiotakos, Skin care in your 40s and 50s. (n.d.) 

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