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A group of women gaily laughing while eating together.A group of women gaily laughing while eating together.

How to Be Confident: 9 Tips for Navigating Social Situations

By: BeSeen Team

Date: June 26, 2023

Do you sometimes wish you were like those people who exude self-confidence naturally? Watching others effortlessly overcome insecurities and build trust with those around them can be frustrating – but don’t fret. You can also develop high levels of self-esteem and escape being too self-critical! Read on to learn how to be confident in any social situation.

Why Do You Lack Confidence? 

A lack of confidence isn’t a simple case of nature vs. nurture. Sometimes, your self-worth can diminish over time. Here are some possible reasons you could be in a funk. 

  • Childhood trauma
  • Poor work performance
  • Financial problems
  • Toxic relationships
  • Chronic pain or an ongoing medical condition
  • Misinformation
  • Sudden life change, like moving to another city or country 

What Are the Qualities of a Confident Person? 

Some seem to have been born self-assured. Others may take a little more time getting the hang of standing tall. Here are some qualities you can adopt to help you become sure of yourself. 

  • Decisiveness
  • Assertiveness
  • Patience
  • Courage
  • Humility
  • Responsibility
  • Open-mindedness
  • Optimism

How to Be More Confident in Any Social Situation

A woman leads a creative design meeting with her team.
Exude more confidence with a winning smile.

Even the most self-assured person in the room has struggled with their esteem at some point. Next time you encounter thoughts of rejection or doubt, turn to this guide to know how to be more confident in yourself! 

1. Start with self-care.  

Bumping up your self-care routine is the quickest way to boost confidence. Do something positive with your mind, body, and spirit! Work on the following personal care practices to heighten self-assurance levels:  

  • Diet: Fuel the body with proper nutrition to feel stronger and energised. A healthy diet will leave you feeling great about yourself. Plus, you get naturally glowing skin and smooth, shiny tresses.
  • Exercise: Exercising improves your mood, reduces stress, and releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins. As a bonus, regular physical activity helps you reach fitness goals and improve your body image.
  • Sleep: A good night’s sleep can re-energise you so you’re ready to face the day. Meanwhile, not getting enough shut-eye causes moodiness, fatigue, restlessness, and headaches. Eight hours of rest leaves you looking and feeling your best.
  • Meditation: Relaxation techniques teach self-acceptance and allow you to eliminate negative mental chatter that interferes with your esteem.  

2. Groom yourself and dress appropriately. 

Good grooming and personal hygiene can impact your self-image. Even small changes in your appearance can turn a sour mood around! Regularly schedule haircuts, dental care procedures, or a mani-pedi treatment to get welcome compliments on your look. And don’t forget to finish it off with flattering, comfortable, and appropriate clothing. 

3. Smile more often. 

A woman shows her crooked smile while covering half her face.
Misaligned teeth can cause shyness and self-consciousness.

Smiling brightens your features and triggers happy emotions that boost self-esteem. In social situations, showing off your pearly whites can lighten the mood and make others respond positively. Plus, it makes you appear more approachable, warm, and cordial.  

But less-than-picture-perfect teeth can leave anyone feeling insecure. For a crooked set, turn to custom aligners. Compared to metal braces, ClearCorrect wins in the precision, comfort, and aesthetics departments. It moves your teeth effectively (and subtly!) and brings you closer to that dazzling smile you’ve always dreamed of in a few months. Visit the ClearCorrect website to learn more. 

4. Consider your tone of voice. 

Want to know how to be confident while talking? Be mindful of your tone of voice as it affects how others perceive you. Remember: speak clearly but slowly in a gentle and friendly manner. 

5. Learn to be an effective listener. 

Being an effective listener is just as important as being a good speaker. To show comfort and interest, make eye contact with the speaker. Looking directly at them communicates respect. But don’t stare at them unblinkingly – that only makes you look nervous. Instead, glance at their eyes and face from time to time to show how engaged you are in the conversation.  

6. Let your body do the talking. 

Maintaining good posture can also improve your mood and confidence level. Always keep your back straight with your shoulders relaxed. Refrain from slouching, looking away, fidgeting, or crossing your arms and legs; these actions make you look disinterested or shy. 

7. Don’t compare yourself with other people. 

Comparing yourself with others is never helpful if you want to be confident at work. It’s easy to feel inferior when you decide someone is “better” than you, which leads to withdrawing from social situations or compensating by bragging. Both approaches get in the way of creating connections. Why not bring your best skills forward and work on your weaknesses instead? 

8. Role-play social situations with a friend. 

Seek the help of your friends to help improve your self-assurance. Role-playing may sound silly at first, but practising or having a script decreases feelings of anxiety in social situations. Eventually, words will roll off your tongue with ease and confidence.  

9. Practise positive self-talk. 

There is no better hype man than yourself! Silence negative self-talk that limits your abilities and restricts your self-esteem. In its place, turn to words of encouragement. Remind yourself of all your positive qualities. Repeat them daily and watch your confidence increase along the way.  

Social Etiquette Rules to Help Boost Your Confidence 

A group of people chatting merrily at a social gathering.
Always be respectful and gracious, even in the company of friends.

Proper etiquette isn’t solely about which utensil to use with each meal or how to introduce people. It’s about showing respect for others and yourself. No need to binge-watch The Crown and imitate the rules. Here are basic manners to keep in your back pocket. Learn them to be more socially confident. 

#1 Be on time. 

Arriving late to a meeting, party, or performance is poor form. Everyone is busy, so never make anyone wait for you. 

#2 Call people by their names. 

Correctly greeting a person can open many doors. You’ll be amazed how well waiters, hotel concierges, valets, or shop assistants respond upon hearing their names.

#3 Show genuine interest. 

People can spot faux interest easily. Avoid faking it or pretending you know everything about a topic. Instead, express interest by admitting your lack of knowledge on the subject matter. Allow others to explain, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. 

#4 Put away your phone. 

Give the person speaking your time and attention. Nothing is as discourteous as constantly checking your phone. Put your gadget on silent and tuck it away in your purse. If you need to answer a call, remember to excuse yourself politely. 

#5 Always express gratitude. 

Saying “thank you” should be a reflex – a non-negotiable! 

Numerous qualities contribute to your sense of self. When you’re learning how to be confident, you want to cover all bases. Start with your appearance: consult a stylist for your locks, a dermatologist for your skin, and a skilled dentist for your teeth. Then, work your way inwards to realise your full potential. 

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