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 A man smiling while hugging his partner. A man smiling while hugging his partner.

Long Distance Relationship? How to Wow Your S.O. When You Meet

By: BeSeen Team

Date: April 24, 2023

Long-distance relationships take a lot of work, but it is possible to thrive in one. After all, they’re like any other relationship – complete with their upsides and drawbacks. Writer-editor and Time Magazine contributor Jo Piazza shares, “The time apart, the distance, makes our relationship better.” 

Are you and your partner going through your long-distance era? Piazza’s statement may resonate with you. If your answer to the question “do long-distance relationships work? is a resounding yes, congratulations! It sounds like things are looking up. But if you’re struggling, you should know that not all hope is lost. One thing you can do to improve your relationship is to make sure that the sparks fly at every face-to-face meet-up. 

How to Wow Your Long-Distance Relationship Partner at First Sight 

A man and a woman holding a wrapped gift between them.
You don’t have to splurge on an extravagant gift – go handmade for a heartfelt, sentimental touch.

When figuring out how to make a long-distance relationship work, don’t underestimate the impact of the little things. Are you seeing your partner soon? Here’s how to make your reunion feel magical. 

1. Surprise them with a heartfelt gift. 

Being able to finally see each other in person after a long time apart is a gift all on its own. Think of this as the cherry on top of an already-wonderful surprise. When you’re in a long-distance relationship, gifts from your partner become even more meaningful. 

They’re a tangible expression of love – something to hold on to when you’re miles apart and missing each other dearly. Surprise gifts also help keep the romance and excitement in your relationship alive. But instead of picking something up from the store, go the extra mile and make them a gift from scratch. Handmade gifts are much more intimate and hold inherent sentimental value. 

Is your partner a visual person who loves capturing special moments? Compile a photobook of your shared adventures! Add playful doodles and other creative touches to bring it to life. Do they love crafts? Make them an everlasting bouquet with origami flowers, each with a handwritten message. 

Whatever you choose to make, be guided by what you know about your partner. Your gift should display your appreciation. It should confirm that they have your full attention and loyalty, even when you spend most of your time in different places. 

2. Greet them with a smile. 

Asian woman receiving flowers from man.
Give your partner a big, toothy grin to let them know how happy you are to be reunited.

When meeting in person, you can easily make your partner fall for you all over again by welcoming them with a warm, confident smile. If you’re insecure about your teeth, flashing them with unabashed confidence might seem like a far-fetched dream. Patient explains that the perception of an “imperfect” smile can “take its toll on someone’s mood and emotional state.” 

To be clear, your partner will still love you no matter how you might feel about your teeth. But insecurities like this can feel dire even with support from your loved ones. If that sounds true for you, it may be time to invest in orthodontic treatment to improve the look of your teeth.

Try clear aligners: they’re like braces in that they straighten teeth by gradually easing them into a new position. The difference is aligners are much more discreet – practically invisible. You can smile as big as you want, and no one can tell you’re even wearing them. ClearCorrect’s aligners use a medical-grade, triple-layer plastic material called ClearQuartz. They’re custom-made to fit your teeth, so you can count on them to stay comfortable throughout treatment. 

If you’re not ready to take that step yet, that’s no problem. Your partner will be overjoyed to see you even if you don’t believe you look 100%. As tough as it might be to flash them a smile when you think your smile is less-than-perfect, do it anyway. Remember: they already adore you as you are! 

3. Dress to impress. 

Dress your best to show your partner that seeing them feels like an event worthy of a red-carpet roll-out. Don’t be afraid to be “extra”! Is there a gorgeous dress in your closet that makes you feel like a star? Wear it even though you’re only picking them up from the bus stop. Maybe you prefer a three-piece suit with swanky leather shoes – go for it. Treat your meeting like it’s prom night! 

Go all out on hair, makeup, and other self-care rituals, too. Surprise them with a fresh new ‘do and a movie star glow-up. Exfoliate with a body scrub the night before for supple, soft-to-the-touch skin. If you have facial hair that your partner loves, get it professionally trimmed. If they don’t like scruff, maybe a smooth, hairless look is the way to go. Do the most and watch them light up when they finally see you. 

Do you have other ideas for wow-ing your partner during your grand reunion? Surprises like these do wonders for long-distance relationships. From now on, take every meet-up as an opportunity to excite and delight your partner, reminding them why you’re meant to be together. 



Preddy, S. (2019, May 13). How your teeth can affect your self-esteem. https://patient.info/news-and-features/how-your-teeth-can-affect-your-self-esteem 

Piazza, J. (2018, June 19). How to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work, According to Experts. Time. https://time.com/5316307/best-long-distance-relationship-tips-experts/ 

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